Friday, July 22, 2005

Worn out already....

....and I have a full evening planned! A gentleman nicknamed "Geo" has been circling our state via bicycle to raise money for the local children's hospital. He came in this morning, so I met several riders who accompanied him on the last leg of his journey. We went 6 miles in ever-increasing heat, and the last quarter-mile or so we were preceeded by a cart with a camera crew and the street was lined with cheering patients, staff, and parents. Very cool. The other riders and I peeled off-camera as Geo was interviewed by the local news.

Turned out, all the other riders had parked near the finish. I had the long--by now super-hot--ride back by myself. I made it to my car by fifteen-til-noon, but I swear I hit every stoplight, stopsign, and intersection between my car and my noon luncheon. Took me 20 minutes for a five minute drive. I was late. Urgh!

My luncheon was fun. I am home now, resting before I join my friends at the water park. Only a few minutes before I have to get ready, so I will add more later,

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