Saturday, July 09, 2005

Whoo! Long day!

Went with friends to a cold water swimming hole at a picnic/campground about an hour from where I live. It was a blast!

Taught a friend's daughter how to swim--at least with minimal help. She was using a small floatation device, but to go from not swimming at all to that in a few hours is great. We ate til we were stuffed, and headed back. Even an hour crammed into a backseat with bickering siblings is no picnic, but it was tolerable. They played games in between my refereeing of their fights.

I am exhausted from swimming so much. I will be taking it easy this evening. Ugh, brother just came home. Gotta go for now.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Well, I finally managed to climb on my bicycle yesterday. Felt good. I have been off of it for too long. I will go again this evening. Too hot to go during the day.

Today has been good, job-hunting wise. Sent my resume in to yet another business, we will see what happens.

Well, no time for a long posting, so see ya later,

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Middle of a short week...

Well, it is Wednesday and very wet. Been raining since yesterday, off and on.

I went to see "Herbie: Fully Loaded" with my dad today. Hilarious movie, but it started so abruptly I could barely seperate it from the previews.

My mom is gone to another city for the day, shopping. I think she could use the break. My brother is still being a pain in the butt, and she can not let go and let him fall on his own rump. He is going to destroy someone's life before this is over, and I would rather it be him and not take anyone with him when he does.

Anyway, enough complaining. I have a good life, and I am responsible for my own future. Catch all of you later,

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Another week begins...

Well, it is Tuesday, but due to the holiday, it acts like a Monday. Shorter workweek, but still, more to cram in a smaller time slot.

The weekend was great, especially the holiday. Family came over, we ate way too much food and sweets, then my family and I stretched out for the traditional after-dinner nap. =) I must have slept for a couple hours. When I woke up, there was freshly chilled watermelon for dinner. Not bad, would have been better if "seedless" watermelons were actually so. This one had too many mature seeds.

I did not see any fireworks last night, but I did hear them. Living outside city limits has its advantages.

So far, I have emailed three people and faxed a fourth. No answer at the fifth, so I will keep trying. Phone calls to make, resumes to send, and all that lovely looking-for-a-job stuff to do again. We will see what this week brings.


Sunday, July 03, 2005


Well, a holiday weekend. I was out with friends all day yesterday, so I am fairly tired. More friends and family coming for the 4th tomorrow, so I will be bushed before the week begins! lol

Been looking up organic gardening techniques for my mother. She is obsessed with not getting chemicals in our food plants, but we need to do something. The insects love to eat our pepper plants for dinner.

Well, not much yakking to do today. Guess I will write more later. Ciao.